Retreat on April 17th

The theme of this retreat is: Walking Gently on the Earth

PDF Cheat Sheet of Chants

Lead Teacher: Venerable Thích Tâm Minh (Ven. Jeff)  釋心明 (Fa Hsing 法行 ) 

Your Support Is Appreciated

The custom of Dana, or generosity, set forth by the Buddha, is a compassionate, ethical practice based in the realization of interconnectedness, and a way that you can support a teacher and community of practice in sustaining the realization of Truth.

The exquisite paradox in Buddhism is that the more we give – and the more we give without seeking something in return – the wealthier (in the broadest sense of the word) we will become. By giving we destroy those acquisitive impulses that ultimately lead to further suffering.

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Saturday Cartoons! (All of these are less than 10 minutes….enjoy.)

The Misguided Monk

The Monk and the Fly

Give in to Giving

Kindness is my SuperPower

Meditation 101: A Beginners Guide

How Mindfulness Empowers Us

You are NOT your thoughts

Why Humans Experience Anxiety

The Present

Starting Meditation
⊕ Body, breath, and mind held in perfect oneness, I send my heart along with the sound of this bell. May the hearers awaken from forgetfulness and transcend the path of anxiety and sorrow
⊕ Listen, listen, this wonderful sound brings me back to my true home.

Beings both great and small have worked hard to bring us this meal.

May we be truly grateful.

From our actions here today may we work towards the cessation of suffering for all beings.

The Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini, enlightened in Bodhgaya,

taught in Varanasi, entered nirvana in Kushinara.

As we spread the vessels of the Lord we pray that they who eat and the

things that are eaten, and the eating shall be universally void of self.

I offer to Vairochana, the Buddha of the pure Dharmakaya;

To Locana, the Buddha of the Sambhogakaya;

To Shakyamuni, the Buddha Nirmanakaya, with his ten trillion


To Maitreya, the Buddha of the future;

To Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Paradise;

To All buddhas of the Ten Directions: past, present, and future;

To Manjushri, the Bodhisattva personifying wisdom;

To Samantabhadra the Bodhisattva personifying practice;

To Avalokiteshvara the Bodhisattva personifying Compassion;

To all other Bodhisattvas, Great Beings, Great Wisdom Practice.

I meditate upon this food as having three virtues and six tastes; I receive

it as an offering to the Buddha and the Sangha as well as to all sentient

beings in the Universe.

When I eat my meal I wish that all sentient beings enjoy the food of

Samadhi and may the joy of the Dharma pervade their bodies.

We surround all forms of life with infinite love and compassion. Especially, do we send out compassionate thoughts to those in suffering and sorrow, to those in doubt and ignorance, to all who are striving to attain truth, and to those whose feet stand close to the great change called death, we send forth all wisdom, mercy and love. 

May the infinite light of wisdom and compassion so shine within us that the errors and vanities of self may be dispelled. So shall we understand the changing nature of existence and awaken into spiritual peace. 

Assistant – May the merit of this penetrate in each thing in all places, so that we and every sentient being together, can realize Buddha’s way. 

All – All Buddhas throughout space and time, all Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas, wisdom beyond wisdom, maha prajna paramita! 

Vandana (Pali) 

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa (I venerate the Sacred One, the Great Sage, the Truly Enlightened One)


• May the suffering ones be suffering free,

• and the fear-struck, fearless be.

• May the grieving shed all grief,

• and the sick find health-relief.


Let us be respectfully reminded:

Life and death are of supreme importance.

Time swiftly passes by

and with it our only chance.

Each of us must aspire to awaken.

Be aware: do not squander your life.

Take my hand.
We will walk.
We will only walk.
We will enjoy our walk
without thinking of arriving anywhere.
Walk peacefully.
Walk happily.
Our walk is a peace walk.
Our walk is a happiness walk.
Then we learn
that there is no peace walk;
that peace is the walk;
that there is no happiness walk;
that happiness is the walk.
We walk for ourselves.
We walk for everyone
always hand in hand.
Walk and touch peace every moment.
Walk and touch happiness every moment.
Each step brings a fresh breeze.
Each step makes a flower bloom under our feet.
Kiss the Earth with your feet.
Print on Earth your love and happiness.
Earth will be safe
when we feel in us enough safety.

-Thích  Nhất  Hạnh

Metta SutRa
This is the way of those who follow the Dharma. They have become skilled and peaceful, seek
the good, and follow the path:
May they be able and upright, straightforward, of gentle speech and not proud.
May they be content and easy wherever they are.
May they be unburdened, with their senses calm.
May they be wise and not arrogant.
May they not seek followers or supporters,
May they live without desire for the possessions of others.
May they do no harm to any living being.
On this one should reflect:
May all beings be happy,
May they live in safety and joy.
All living beings, whether weak or strong, old or young, man or woman, smart or foolish,
healthy or disabled, seen or unseen, near or distant, born or to be born, may they all be happy.
Let no one deceive or despise another being, whatever their status.
Let no one through anger or hatred wish harm to another.
As parents watch over their children, willing to risk their own lives to protect them, so with a
boundless heart may we cherish every living being, bathing the entire world with unobstructed
and unconditional loving-kindness.
Standing or walking, sitting or lying down, in each moment may we remain mindful of this
heart and this way of living that is the best in all the world.
May this sublime abiding, holding no fixed views, obtain pure hearted clarity of vision and freedom
from sensual desires. In this state one is free from the cycle of rebirth and death.